Vaetchanan Secret of Shema Dafei Tang

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    Agrippa gave value to the English letters without trying to transliterate them from Hebrew or Greek, so L is 20, rather than 30 , M is 30, rather than 40 and N is 40, rather than 50 . This cipher is sometimes erroneously labelled as “Jewish” or “Hebrew” by popular numerology calculators, such as Gematrix and Gematrinator. A single word can yield several values depending on the cipher which is used. The Hebrew Gematria is the oldest known Gematria, and you should have a separate Hebrew gematria calculator to find the values in the Hebrew Gematria. The Gematria Hebrew is specific and there is no regularity of the numeric except for the first 5 numbers of the English alphabets. Gematria is an alphanumeric code where letters and words in the Hebrew alphabet are assigned numbers, values, or calculations. It is commonly used in Jewish culture to understand text, particularly within the Torah, on a deeper and more spiritual level. In Hebrew, every letter is given a numerical value and those values can be added up to achieve the numerical value of a word. A third type of gematria is known as ‘Ordinal’ gematria; this assigns a numerical value to each letter according to its place in the alphabet rather than its individual value. For example, ‘A’ would be equal to 1, ‘B’ would be equal to 2 and so on. This system can be applied just like Hebrew or Greek gematria but produces different results due to its unique numbering system. When you look for the gematria of a word or phrase, you always want to compare it to another word or phrase. This is the only extension in the Chrome store that allows you to do this, and the gematria result changes with each letter that you enter. Gematria is the calculation of the numerical equivalents of letters, words, or phrases. Despite Naḥmanides’ attempt to limit its use, gematria found its way into the biblical commentary. The Pane’aḥ Raza by Isaac ben Judah ha-Levi and Ba’al ha-Turim by Jacob ben Asher (c. 1270 to 1340) both make frequent use of gematria.

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