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GuestThis alert indicates that more time should be focused on these particular details prior to use. Just enter the word or phrase you wish to have calculated and hit the button. Just type the words, letters, or name you want to the input above to see the Gematria value. This type of coding practice was thought to be first used back in the 8th century BC. Since then, it has been adopted by the Jewish culture and similar variations have been used in the Greeks isopsephy, Arabic abjad numerals, and English gematria. An online calculator for this code is available here, albeit with the product misnamed ‘Jewish gematria‘. Although ciphers can be devised all sorts of ways, it is important to note that the four base ciphers are typically the most relevant when dealing with the English language and English Gematria. Arafat served as one of the famous presidents of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) since 1996 and long-time Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from the year 1968. According to an official statement by French doctors who treated him stated that he died from a massive hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accident, and various other- other people have their different theories adopted by them. Where x is the position of the letter in the language letters index (regular order of letters), and the floor and modulo functions are used. Then finally we can find the full, Pythagorean Reduction of the Reverse Ordinal, giving us the Reverse Reduction cipher. Since there are two sides to every story, we have to consider the opposite of the ciphers mentioned above. Deriving numbers from letters can be very insightful when seeking the fullest understanding of topics. One premise that each person should have before fully exploring Gematria is the complete understanding of the numbers 1 through 9. Once the true understanding of those numbers is gained, your world can be unlocked…with Gematria. The only things we really have to work with are the letter forms themselves, and their positions in the set.