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GuestWithin the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. On the simplest level it’s fun to play with letter/number equivalents. They can add significance to greeting cards, wedding and barmitzvah invitations and speeches for special occasions. The word ‘(#)’ has been successfully added to the list ‘($)’. However, you can always create a new list, or add this word to Your Favorites. With the Premium version, you can keep adding words to your custom word lists, and create more word lists. With the Premium version, you can create word lists and share them with your friends, access all games and quizzes and enjoy the site with NO ADS. When you have completed a search, the Status Box will display basic information about the search, as well as “first”, “previous”, “next”, and “last” buttons to view the results. This is where you select your options and receive basic information about your search. The text at the top tells you the status of the program (for example- “Loading”), while the options allow you to change how the search operates (for example- “Gematria” or “Text”).